Custom metal fabrication companies are unique.
Unique because their teams are with you at every stage of your project because they can provide you with ALL of the elements and fabrication techniques required to achieve the perfect end result.
No longer do you have to work with multiple suppliers or move your project from one destination to another (make sure you visit our website to find out about our complete services offer).
However, we’re aware that online, you will find a lot of information about what custom metal fabrication companies can and can’t do, and with this information also comes a lot of misconceptions.
Below, we want to set the record straight and talk about the most common misconceptions we’ve come across and to bust some of these metal fabrication myths open.
Misconceptions Metal Fabrication
All metal fabricators are the same
Trust us, we’re really not.
For example, some metal fabrication companies will offer an array of services and options, whereas others may simply specialise in one or two.
Some may outsource to other suppliers; others may have specialists in place to carry out the work in-house.
It’s also important to note that not all metal steel fabricators work or have experience in all industries and instead specialise in certain sectors. This may also be the same for the types of metal/steel fabrication companies choose to work with and what they specialise in.
What you choose should depend entirely on your project’s requirements and the actual services you need – a full-service fabricator is a team that can offer you the complete package.
Metal fabrication is easy
Not quite.
Metal fabrication actually requires a high level of skill and precision.
As a metal fabricator, you need to be able to read design specifications and drawings, operate heavy machinery, work with various types of metals and grades, pay great attention to detail, and move through multiple stages of a fabrication process with ease.
If you have a design, you don’t need an engineer
We are firm believers that engineering input is required or should be implemented at every stage of a fabrication process, utilising their expertise for testing and making important changes at crucial stages.
Engineers also ensure the quality of the design and prototype throughout, supporting if there are any miscalculations in the design.
Ideally, engineers and fabricators should work together to ensure the end product meets the design specification.
A good sales pitch doesn’t always mean a good fabricator
A good sales presentation to you is always a good start and can set the tone for a positive working relationship, but it should never be the only point to base your decision on – what you need to see is real results.
The lowest price doesn’t always mean the best quality or greater ROI
This is one of the biggest metal fabrication misconceptions because, like any area of work, there is value to a fabricator’s role, and often, it is not always about price but investing in value and finding the right balance between the two.
There’s also no cutting costs when you want to achieve high-quality projects. However, it is always worth checking with your metal fabrication team to make sure there are no hidden costs, and you’re not opting for low quality simply to boost your ROI.
Fabrication is harmful to the environment
We’re not going to lie; we’re not perfect, but modern fabrication processes and technology show big strides toward working more sustainably.
In addition, many fabricators opt to use recycled materials and, like Morfabrication, have implemented more efficient manufacturing processes.
Galvanising metal is too expensive
Not anymore with today’s technology. In addition, once the metal is coated, the product will require little to no maintenance, saving you money over time.
Metal applications are interchangeable
Metal composition varies, and there are various types and grades of steel available, all providing unique properties of their own, hence making them perfect for specific applications and not a one-size-fits-all approach.
For example, it would be wholly inappropriate to substitute steel for aluminium as one is extremely durable and strong, whereas the other is softer and much lighter.
There is no need for product inspections
Quality checks are vital. You want to get the quality products you have paid for, so product inspections, especially on larger-scale productions, must be carried out periodically.
Custom metal fabricators outsource to various suppliers
In some instances, a specialist external supplier may be brought in to support a project; however, for full-service fabrication companies, this is rarely the case, as everything can be completed in-house.
From designing, welding, cutting, bending, drilling, installation, assembly, and more, they can take care of it all.
Metal fabrication is pivotal for the automotive, aerospace, and construction industries – metal fabricators are precise, efficient, and relevant.
Are you looking for a team that has experience with a wide range of metals and the skills and knowledge across multiple fabrication processes?
Call 0191 816 2718 today and see how we can help you.
Already got your project requirements in place? Why not email us with further details and see how we can support your project, info@morfabrication.com